A Mysterious Helicopter is Moving on the Map of Fortnite, What Does It Mean?

Epic is always looking for new ways to keep the game fresh. S5 made a rift; the rift did make a cube (Kevin). By Season 7 there was an iceberg coming to the island. Wich brought us a new biome and the ice king.

Now Fortnite fans recently discovered an army-looking Helicopter is seemingly moving around Fortnite's map, but players can't hop in it and use it like they would the Stormwing planes ahead of they have been vaulted.

Players had initially spotted the Helicopter to the north-west of Sunny Steps, within the area littered with Volcano Vents and smaller versions in the expedition outposts. Right after a brief stint there, players then noticed it had moved to a hillside overlooking Lonely Lodge. Now, the Helicopter has moved once again and situated on a mountain among Paradise Palms and the Race Track.

The helicopter previously north of Sunny Steps has changes positions to a mountain in Paradise Palms.🤔 from r/FortNiteBR

We don't know what it means now because the only thing that is happening with the storyline so far is the helicopter moving around seem like they're scouting for something.

Some players found the helicopter seems to be spying on the Vikings at snobby as you can see the picture below, as the reflection indicates it in the heli's telescope. Maybe this is hinting to the removal of snobby shores in season 9. It is also pointing directly at the new Viking village that replaced the basement building. I think that the Viking village will spread all over snobby, and have a new name, like "Viking village."

Some players said hope we get something at least, last season we got more stuff at this point I think. There are also players who joked the helicopter is going to be the next Kevin so let's call him Harry from now.

What are your thoughts on the moving of this mysterious helicopter? Stay with us on this one; it gets a little confusing. Also, go fortnite store today when you feel tired of grinding quests and events for Fortnite items.
